The So Hum mantra, also written as Soham, has been used for thousands of years in many Eastern religions and meditation practices.
The mantra translates from Sanskrit to “I am That.” In Vedic philosophy, So Hum means identifying oneself with the Universe or ultimate reality. It relays the understanding that one’s Individual Self is Universal Self; the presence of divinity resides in each soul. The sound and vibration of sacred words include a specific energy with it. As you chant, you begin to notice the intricate connections that exist in the world around us.
The inverted version of this mantra, Hamsa, means “I am the Swan.” The Swan refers to Atman, the inner self. One resource (Chakras – Energy Centers of Transformation, Harish Johari) states that performing the Soham mantra in the 6th chakra automatically reverses the syllables. Symbolically, the Swan is the bird that can fly to places unknown to ordinary people. One who meditates on Atman in the bindu (the dot representing infinity in the syllable AUM) transforms into a paramahamsa, one who dwells in supreme consciousness.
This audio clip is a musical adaptation of the So Hum mantra into a sung chant form.
More chants to come!